Code of Conduct

At HOBUM Oleochemicals GmbH, we stand by the basic principles of sustainability, safety and integrity. Adherence to these principles is a top priority for us and we also expect this from our business partners. The following “Code of Conduct” describes our convictions and reflects what HOBUM stands for.


At HOBUM we comply with all relevant laws and regulations and expect this from all our business partners. In addition, we expect our partners to follow all the principles set out here and to establish their own compliance regulations.

Failure to comply with the regulations set forth herein may result in termination of the business relationship.


The safety of our employees in the workplace must be ensured at all times. This also applies to activities that do not take place at the company’s headquarters, e.g. when working on the move or on business trips.

We constantly review the safety of our manufacturing processes and other workflows with the help of risk assessments and implement technical improvements with the involvement of employees and the works council.

The safety of our products must be guaranteed at all times. We ensure that we comply with the legal framework, that our safety data sheets are up to date, and that our products are labeled accordingly.

We expect the same safety precautions from our business partners.


As HOBUM Oleochemicals GmbH, we are committed to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and are a member of the UN Global Compact network.

With the processing of renewable raw materials, HOBUM has been placing the idea of recycling and thus climate protection and sustainable business at the center of our strategic orientation for over 60 years.

The observance of human rights as well as the commitment to the Hamburg Oil Mill Collective Agreement (IGBCE) underline the social orientation of our company and are strengthened by the maintenance of a foundation for subsidized housing of active and former employees.


We are convinced that long-term business success can only be achieved by acting in partnership with all market participants.

We stand for fair competition based on all national and international market rules. There is no alternative to respecting and complying with personal and property rights. Any kind of bribery or corruption is strictly rejected. All business transactions are documented transparently and verifiably and are available for inspection at any time.

This “Code of Conduct” applies to all shareholders, employees and business partners of HOBUM. It is supplemented and concretized by various guidelines.

Hamburg, October 2021